PIM # | PIM Title | PIM Category |
01 | Guidance for Accessing Personnel Information Memoranda | Administration |
03 | Advance Leave | Benefits |
04 | Leave Administration – Workers’ Compensation Leave | Environmental Health and Safety |
05 | Leave Without Pay | Benefits |
06 | Holiday Premium Pay | Benefits |
07 | Disciplinary Action Policy (SHRA) | Employee Relations |
08 | Temporary Staff Employees | Staff Employment |
09 | Family and Medical Leave | Benefits |
10 | Retirement | Benefits |
11 | Leave Accrual Rates | Benefits |
12 | Accounting for Time Not Worked Due to Hazardous Weather or Other Unusual Conditions | Employee Relations |
13 | Employee Holidays | Benefits |
14 | Establishing, Reallocating SHRA Positions or Requesting In-Range Salary Adjustments (Superseded by PIM 56) | Human Resources Information Systems |
15 | Student Employment Policy | Staff Employment |
16 | Normal and Variable Schedules for SHRA Staff Employees – Subject to the Wage and Hour Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) | Compensation and Position Management |
17 | Academic Integrity Obligations Of Employees Who Are Also Students | Employee Relations |
18 | Drug Free Workplace – Reporting Obligations | Employee Relations |
19 | Reduction in Force Guidelines | Employee Relations |
22 | Secondary Employment | Staff Employment |
23 | Release Time | Benefits |
26 | Incident Prevention | Environmental Health and Safety |
27 | Incident Reporting and Investigation | Environmental Health and Safety |
28 | Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan | Environmental Health and Safety |
29 | Voluntary Shared Leave Program | Benefits |
30 | Eligibility for Leave, Health Care and Retirement | Benefits |
32 | Dual Career Couples Program — Welcome to Charlotte | Administration |
33 | Reporting a Change of Address and/or Home Telephone | Benefits |
34 | Notice of Separation | Benefits |
35 | Grievance and Appeal Procedures for Employees Subject to the State Human Resources Act | Employee Relations |
36 | EHRA Non-Faculty Grievance Process | Employee Relations |
37 | Wage and Hour Considerations for SHRA Employees with Two University Jobs | Staff Employment |
39 | Due Dates for the Submission of Personnel Actions Affecting Pay | Compensation and Position Management |
42 | Employment in Support of Programs/Projects Funded by Grants and Contracts | Compensation and Position Management |
43 | Merit-Based Recruitment and Selection Plan for Classified Staff Employees (SHRA – Subject to the State Human Resources Act) | Staff Employment |
44 | Staff Employee of the Year | Employee Relations |
45 | Identifying Essential Functions and Physical Requirements of EHRA Staff Positions | Employee Relations |
46 | Community Service | Benefits |
48 | Dual Career Couples Employment Assistance Program – Link Coming | Administration |
49 | Workers’ Compensation — Return to Work Program | Environmental Health and Safety |
50 | Reasonable Accommodation | Employee Relations |
51 | Hazardous Waste Management | Environmental Health and Safety |
52 | On-Call Pay | Compensation and Position Management |
53 | Shift Premium Pay | Compensation and Position Management |
54 | Completing and Retaining Employee Weekly Time Records For FLSA Subject Employees | Records Management |
56 | Salary Adjustments for Career Banded Employees | Compensation and Position Management |
57 | Establishing SHRA Positions under Career Banding | Compensation and Position Management |
58 | Teleworking Program Guidance (Rescinded and Superseded by University Policy 101.22) | Employee Relations |
59 | Short Term Disability | Benefits |
60 | UNC Charlotte Employee Emergency Loan Fund | Employee Relations |
61 | Application for Retirement (Rescinded) | Benefits |
62 | Procedures for Responding to the Death of a University Employee | Benefits |
63 | Process Deadlines and Requirements for Hiring and Paying Temporary Employees | Employment and Staffing |
64 | Compensatory Time Off & Overtime Pay for SHRA and EHRA Non-Exempt Employees | Compensation and Position Management |
65 | Paid Parental Leave | Benefits |
66 | Use of Search Firms for EHRA Recruitments | Administration |
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