Personnel Information Memorandums (PIMs)

PIM #PIM TitlePIM Category
01Guidance for Accessing Personnel Information MemorandaAdministration
03Advance LeaveBenefits
04Leave Administration – Workers’ Compensation LeaveEnvironmental Health and Safety
05Leave Without PayBenefits
06Holiday Premium PayBenefits
07Disciplinary Action Policy (SHRA)Employee Relations
08Temporary Staff EmployeesStaff Employment
09Family and Medical LeaveBenefits
11Leave Accrual RatesBenefits
12Accounting for Time Not Worked Due to Hazardous Weather or Other Unusual ConditionsEmployee Relations
13Employee HolidaysBenefits
14Establishing, Reallocating SHRA Positions or Requesting In-Range Salary Adjustments (Superseded by PIM 56)Human Resources Information Systems
15Student Employment PolicyStaff Employment
16Normal and Variable Schedules for SHRA Staff Employees – Subject to the Wage and Hour Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)Compensation and Position Management
17Academic Integrity Obligations Of Employees Who Are Also StudentsEmployee Relations
18Drug Free Workplace – Reporting ObligationsEmployee Relations
19Reduction in Force GuidelinesEmployee Relations
22Secondary EmploymentStaff Employment
23Release TimeBenefits
26Incident PreventionEnvironmental Health and Safety
27Incident Reporting and InvestigationEnvironmental Health and Safety
28Hazardous Waste Contingency PlanEnvironmental Health and Safety
29Voluntary Shared Leave ProgramBenefits
30Eligibility for Leave, Health Care and RetirementBenefits
32Dual Career Couples Program — Welcome to CharlotteAdministration
33Reporting a Change of Address and/or Home TelephoneBenefits
34Notice of SeparationBenefits
35Grievance and Appeal Procedures for Employees Subject to the State Human Resources ActEmployee Relations
36EHRA Non-Faculty Grievance ProcessEmployee Relations
37Wage and Hour Considerations for SHRA Employees with Two University JobsStaff Employment
39Due Dates for the Submission of Personnel Actions Affecting PayCompensation and Position Management
42Employment in Support of Programs/Projects Funded by Grants and ContractsCompensation and Position Management
43Merit-Based Recruitment and Selection Plan for Classified Staff Employees (SHRA – Subject to the State Human Resources Act)Staff Employment
44Staff Employee of the YearEmployee Relations
45Identifying Essential Functions and Physical Requirements of EHRA Staff PositionsEmployee Relations
46Community ServiceBenefits
48Dual Career Couples Employment Assistance Program – Link ComingAdministration
49Workers’ Compensation — Return to Work ProgramEnvironmental Health and Safety
50Reasonable AccommodationEmployee Relations
51Hazardous Waste Management Environmental Health and Safety
52On-Call PayCompensation and Position Management
53Shift Premium PayCompensation and Position Management
54Completing and Retaining Employee Weekly Time Records For FLSA Subject EmployeesRecords Management
56Salary Adjustments for Career Banded EmployeesCompensation and Position Management
57Establishing SHRA Positions under Career BandingCompensation and Position Management
58Teleworking Program Guidance (Rescinded and Superseded by University Policy 101.22)Employee Relations
59Short Term DisabilityBenefits
60UNC Charlotte Employee Emergency Loan FundEmployee Relations
61Application for Retirement (Rescinded)Benefits
62Procedures for Responding to the Death of a University EmployeeBenefits
63Process Deadlines and Requirements for Hiring and Paying Temporary EmployeesEmployment and Staffing
64Compensatory Time Off & Overtime Pay for SHRA and EHRA Non-Exempt EmployeesCompensation and Position Management
65Paid Parental LeaveBenefits
66Use of Search Firms for EHRA RecruitmentsAdministration