First Month of Employment

Days 1-30

In your first month of employment at UNC Charlotte, it is important to understand the basics of our organization — HR policies and procedures, benefits available to you as a Niner and more about our University and community.

New faculty can access more information and resources on the Center for Advancing Faculty Success website and in the Academic Personnel Procedures Handbook.

HR Information

Understanding EHRA vs. SHRA, the University’s organizational structure, leave and the other benefits available to you.

Employment Classifications at UNC Charlotte

EHRA: Classes of employees designated as ‘Exempt from the State Human Resources Act’ (as defined under NC General Statute Chapter 126). Included among these classes: Student Temporary and Graduate student employees, as well as Faculty, Senior Academic & Administrative Officers and certain professional positions involved in academic support, coaching, health education, institutional support, instruction, library, public service, research, student health, and student services. Employees in these classes are considered ‘at will’ and, as such, are employed solely at the discretion of the Chancellor.

SHRA: Classes of employees designated as ‘Subject to the State Human Resources Act’ (as defined under NC General Statute Chapter 126). Included among these classes: accountants, administrative support, engineers, information technology, institutional services (housekeepers, grounds workers), research assistants (scientific and social), skilled trades, etc. Under the provisions of the State Human Resources Act, employees in these classes are covered by benefits (leave accrual, etc.) and job protections (progressive discipline, grievance rights, etc.) not afforded to other types of employees.

Employee Handbooks

Employee Handbooks

The SHRA Handbook is currently under review.

The EHRA Non-Faculty Handbook is currently under review.

Academic Personnel Procedures Handbook

UNC Charlotte Organizational Chart

UNC Charlotte Senior Governance Organizational Chart

University Personnel Information Memorandums (PIMs)

Personnel Information Memorandums (PIMs)


New Employee Benefit Enrollment Checklist

State Health Plan New Employee Resources

New Employee Benefit Information

Benefit Plans

Leave Programs

Holiday Schedule

Community Service Leave

Kronos Workforce Ready Training Materials

ComPsych Guidance Resources (Employee Assistance Program)

Perks at Work

The University of North Carolina System Employment Policies

About UNC Charlotte

Information about the University, its policies and procedures, parking and transportation, staying updated on the latest information and more.

UNC Charlotte is a leading urban research university with a significant local-to-global impact. We transform lives, communities, and industries through accessible and affordable education, offering exemplary bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and professional programs. Our commitment to scholarship, innovation, and service drives our contributions to the ever-evolving needs of society. Through strategic partnerships and a focus on real-world applications, we prepare our graduates to excel in their careers and lead with purpose and integrity in a rapidly changing world.

Approved by the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees on August 7, 2024 and the UNC Board of Governors on November 14, 2024.

University History

Our History

Bonnie Cone eBook

UNC Charlotte Magazine – Winter 2022 “A Celebration 75 Years in the Making

University Communication Tools

University Communications produces content for the primary UNC Charlotte channels it oversees. These are:

Review the UNC Charlotte Brand Standards and Visual Identity.

University Policies

University Policies

University FAQs

UNC Charlotte’s FAQ home page

Interactive Campus Map

Parking and Transportation Services (PaTS)

Parking on campus requires a permit or payment of visitor parking fees whenever the University is open. Visit for detailed information on Parking and Transportation options when on campus.

Information and Technology

Professional Development

Developing your skills and pursuing classes through the University.

Continue Education

Continuing Education through the School of Professional Studies.

Employee Tuition Waiver

The Tuition Waiver program is available to employees who are in permanent positions and regularly scheduled to work 30 hours or more each week, nine months of the year or longer. Tuition Waivers may be used to cover tuition expenses for up to three courses an academic year (spring, summer and fall semesters) at any of the 17 schools within the UNC System.

Faculty Staff Textbook Loan Program

The Faculty/Staff Textbook Loan program, funded by UNC Charlotte Business Services, allows eligible UNC Charlotte employees to borrow required textbooks from the Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte campus store for classes taken as part of the UNC Charlotte Tuition Waiver Program. In order to participate in the Textbook Loan Program, specific criteria must be met and an FSTL Program Application must be completed and submitted for each term prior to the deadline.

Employee Tuition Reimbursement

The Academic Assistance (Tuition Reimbursement) program provides reimbursement of academic costs by the employee’s department if funds are available and courses are approved as work-related. Work-related courses completed at accredited community colleges/colleges/ universities via traditional classroom, video-based, distance learning, web-based, eLearning and certain correspondence courses may be reimbursed upon successful completion using the Academic Assistance program.

For additional policy information including eligibility requirements, review the OSHR policy.

Health and Safety

How the University is keeping you safe, what you can to do keep yourself safe, what to do in an emergency and the resources available to you.

Offices and Policies
Helpful Guides and Manuals
Safety Incident/Accident Protocols
Personal Respect and Safety