Flexible Spending Accounts


UNC Charlotte offers two types of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) to eligible employees: Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) and Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account (DDFSA). FSAs allow you to set aside a portion of your pay pre-tax to use for medical, dental, vision, and child care/elder care expenses that are not covered by insurance, or only partially covered. Estimate how much you normally spend on these expenses throughout the year and set aside that amount into your FSA.

Health Care Flexible Spending Account
A Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) helps an employee save money on taxes by paying for eligible out-of-pocket
medical, dental, vision, or other qualifying expenses for the employee and their eligible dependents (as defined by the IRS)
with pre-tax dollars. The maximum amount an employee can contribute is $120 – $3,200 (as determined by the IRS). Employer payroll units deduct an employees’ annual contribution amounts (in equal portions) from their paychecks throughout the plan year. However, an employee’s entire annual election amount is available to him/her on the first day of the plan year or the first day benefits become effective.
Participants of the plan can roll over up to $640 of unused account balances into the next plan year, as long as they have a minimum
balance of at least $25. Learn more about the HCFSA.

Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account
You can set aside pre-tax dollars to use for child care and adult day care expenses. Select your contribution each year between $120 and $5,000. This account does not include a rollover, but does have a grace period which extends the time to spend your funds from the prior plan year. Learn more about the DDCFSA.


The cost to you depends on the amount you choose.


Permanent, full-time employees who work 30+ hours per week are eligible for this plan.

Permanent, part-time employees working 20-29 hours per week are eligible for this plan.

Enrollment Deadline and Effective Date

Enrollment Deadline: If you are newly eligible employee, or experience a qualifying life event, you must enroll 30 days from your eligibility date. If you are making elections during open enrollment, you must complete them within the designated enrollment period.

Effective Date of Coverage: Effective dates are based on the type of eligibility event.

  • Newly eligible employees: First of the month following your eligibility date
  • Qualifying life event date: Reference the NCFlex website for plan-specific details
  • Open enrollment: Jan. 1 following the open enrollment election period

A convenience card is mailed to first-time users (for those that have both HCFSA and DDFSA, only one card is issued) and only re-issued if reported lost or stolen, or once it expires after three years (the “Valid Thru” date is listed on the card). For security, please note these cards come in plain envelopes with minimal markings. Additional cards can be requested by logging onto ncflex.padmin.com or by calling 1-866-916-3475. Note that a claims kit will be emailed to all participants (mailed to those without a valid email address on file with P&A) and can also be found in the FSA section of ncflex.org.

Deduction Frequency

NCFlex deducts your annual contribution in equal portions from your paycheck throughout the plan year.

How to Enroll or Make Changes

FSA enrollment and changes are made through the designated online benefits system. Reference the Employee Insurance Login for instructions.

Contact Information and Resources:

  • NCFlex FSA
  • https://padmin.com/ncflex
  • Customer Service:
    • 1-866-916-3475 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. (EST), Monday – Friday
  • Mailing Address:
    • P&A Group
    • Attn: NCFlex FSA Plan
    • 17 Court Street, Suite 500
    • Buffalo, NY 14202