Vacation Leave

UNC Charlotte has two Types of Vacation Leave: Annual Leave (vacation) and Personal Leave.

Paid vacation time allows eligible employees to renew themselves physically and mentally and to remain fully productive employees. UNC Charlotte encourages employees to request and use their earned Vacation Leave with supervisor approval during the year to achieve this goal.


Eligibility for Vacation Leave is generally extended to employees in permanent, full-time or part-time positions, with an FTE of .50 or greater, on a recurring contract basis. There are two types of Vacation Leave: Annual Leave (vacation) and Personal Leave. Eligibility for each is dependent on employment type and hire date. Please see below for specific eligibility details of each program.

Note: 9-month faculty do not earn leave.

Annual Leave (vacation)

Leave Overview

Annual Leave (vacation) is credited to leave-earning employees who are in pay status (working, on paid leave or on workers’ compensation leave) for one-half or more of the regularly scheduled workdays and holidays in the pay period in accordance with the provisions outlined below. Leave-earning employees are granted leave based on position type and length of total State service. Only up to 240 hours of Annual Leave (vacation) can be carried over year to year or are paid out upon separation. The cap of 240 hours carry over is prorated for permanent part-time employees, and permanent full-time employees working less than 12 months.

Eligible Employees

Annual Leave (vacation) is credited to employees who are working, on paid leave, or on Workers’ Compensation leave and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Full-time and part-time permanent SHRA employees, persons in time-limited appointments, trainees and probationary employees.
  • EHRA employees, hired prior to January 1, 2025, in a leave-earning role, who work between 20 hours per week (.5 FTE) and 40 hours per week (1.0 FTE), and are employed on a 9, 10, 11 or 12 month appointment.
  • Note: 9-month faculty do not earn leave. EHRA employees hired January 1, 2025, or after are subject to Personal Leave.
Annual Leave (vacation) uses

Annual Leave (vacation) may be used with supervisor approval for:

  • vacation
  • other periods of absence for personal reasons
  • absences due to adverse weather conditions
  • personal illness (in lieu of sick leave)
  • illness in the immediate family,
  • time lost for late reporting
  • donations to an employee who is an approved voluntary shared leave recipient

To use Annual Leave (vacation), make a request in Kronos WFR under the category VACATION.

Annual Leave (vacation) Accrual Rates

SHRA employee accrual rates:

Years of ServiceDays per YearHours per Year
Less than 5 years14112
At least 5 years but less than 10 years17136
At least 10 years but less than 15 years20160
At least 15 years but less than 20 years23184
20 years or more26208

EHRA employee accrual rates:

PositionDays per YearHours Per Year
Senior Administrators (Tier 1)26208
Senior Administrators (Tier 2)24192
EHRA Staff24192
EHRA 12-Month Faculty24192

On Dec. 31 of each year, if you have accumulated more than 240 hours of Annual Leave (vacation), the amount of hours above 240 will be converted to Sick Leave so that only 240 hours of Annual Leave (vacation) are carried forward to Jan. 1 of the next calendar year. The cap of 240 hours carry over is prorated for permanent part-time employees, and permanent full-time employees working less than 12 months.

Unused Annual Leave (vacation) Upon Separation

Eligible Annual Leave (vacation) will be paid in a lump sum (within three pay periods following the last regular paycheck), not to exceed 240 hours (pro-rated based on FTE).


Personal Leave

Leave Overview

The University of North Carolina System recently established a new Personal Leave program for vacation leave accrual for EHRA, leave-earning employees. Effective Jan. 1, 2025, all EHRA employees hired on or after Jan, 1, 2025 in a leave-earning position will be subject to the new Personal Leave program. EHRA employees hired before Jan. 1, 2025, will have a one-time opportunity to opt in to the new Personal Leave program in spring of 2025; the decision to opt-in will be irrevocable. Current EHRA employees who do not opt-in will continue to accrue Annual Leave as vacation time.

The new Personal Leave program only affects vacation leave for new EHRA employees and current EHRA employees who choose to opt-in; the Personal Leave program does not affect any other leave programs. Employees under the Personal Leave program accrue and are entitled to other leave allotments (Sick Leave, Civil Leave, Personal Observance, etc.) per the policies already established for those leaves and in the same way as employees in the Annual Leave (vacation) program.

Eligible Employees

New EHRA employees
All permanent leave-earning EHRA employees whose effective date of employment at UNC Charlotte is on or after Jan. 1, 2025, will accrue leave in accordance with the Personal Leave program.

Employees transferring to an EHRA position on or after Jan. 1, 2025
Any employee who transfers to a leave-earning EHRA position from another UNC System school on or after Jan. 1, 2025, will be subject to Personal Leave program.

EHRA employees who choose to opt-in

The following employees are eligible to opt-in to the Personal Leave program.

  • EHRA leave-earning employees hired prior to Jan. 1, 2025
  • SHRA employees hired prior to Jan. 1, 2025, who later convert to an EHRA position at UNC Charlotte on or after Jan. 1, 2025
  • Eligible employees can opt-in to the Personal Leave program at any time, however, the decision to opt-in to the Personal Leave program is irrevocable once made

UNC Charlotte’s Office of Human Resources will develop and distribute information about the opt-in process in spring 2025.

Personal Leave Uses

Personal Leave may be used with supervisor approval for:

  • vacation
  • other periods of absence for personal reasons
  • absences due to adverse weather conditions
  • personal illness (in lieu of sick leave)
  • illness in the immediate family,
  • time lost for late reporting
  • donations to an employee who is an approved voluntary shared leave recipient

To use Personal Leave, make a request in Kronos.

Personal Leave Accrual Rates

The annual accrual rate for Personal Leave is 26 days/208 hours (prorated for part-time).

  • Personal Leave accrues at a monthly rate and is adjusted proportionately for permanent part-time employees who work halftime or more (0.50 – 0.99 FTE) or who are on a contract for fewer than twelve months.
  • The monthly earnings amount is equal to one-twelfth of the annual rate.
  • Leave is earned monthly when an employee works or is in approved paid status at least half the working days of a month.

Employees may carry forward up to 20 days/160 hours of unused leave into the next year. Any remaining unused leave is forfeited. Unused Personal Leave is never paid out. Personal Leave can be contributed as Voluntary Shared Leave (VSL), similar to Annual Leave (vacation) and subject to the requirements of the VSL policy.

Unused Personal Leave Upon Separation

New appointments within UNC Charlotte: If an employee receives a new eligible appointment within the University, then all Personal Leave and/or Annual Leave (vacation) retained will transfer to the new appointment.

Transfer to another UNC System institution: If an employee transfers to another UNC System institution to a leave-earning EHRA position, then up to a maximum of 20 days of Personal Leave will transfer to the new institution, and any excess leave will be forfeited. Annual Leave, up to 30 days, will be paid out prior to the transfer.

Kronos Information for Supervisors

For EHRA employees hired on or after Jan. 1, 2025:

  • A new accrual, EHRA Personal Leave, will be assigned in Kronos.
  • These employees can earn up to 17.33 hours (26 days a year) of EHRA Personal Leave when an employee works or is on approved paid leave at least half of the work days of the month. These employees will have access to the new EHRA Personal Leave pay code in Kronos to take the Personal Leave hours they have accrued.
  • No Personal Leave hours are paid out to employees at separation.
    • All hours over 160 at the end of the calendar year will be forfeited.
    • Remaining unused Personal Leave will not convert to Sick Leave.

For EHRA employees hired before Jan. 1, 2025, or who qualify under specific conditions:

  • These employees will continue to earn and take Annual Leave (vacation) hours and to use the current Vacation pay codes in Kronos.
  • The limit for Annual Leave (vacation) payout at separation will remain at 240 hours (pro-rated for part-time employees).
  • Annual Leave (vacation) hours over 240 at the end of the calendar year will still carry forward to Sick Leave.
  • The amount of Annual Leave (vacation) hours currently earned will not change.

New EHRA employees, and current EHRA employees who opt-in to the Personal Leave program will use Personal Leave for the same reasons Annual Leave (vacation) is used. If they have remaining Annual Leave (vacation) it will be considered “Legacy” Annual Leave (vacation) and is not frozen. No additional accruals will be made for the “Legacy” Annual Leave (vacation). However, an employee can use it at any time, similar to how bonus leave is used. The “Legacy” Annual Leave (vacation) must be paid out when the employee separates from employment at the institution or moves to a position that is not subject to the Personal Leave program.


What is Personal Leave?

Personal Leave is a new vacation leave program developed for leave-earning EHRA employees hired after January 1, 2025. Eligible EHRA employees hired before January 1, 2025, may choose to opt in to the new Personal Leave program.

Did EHRA become EPS and why?

No, the UNC System established the “EPS” (Exempt Professional Staff) designation effective January 1, 2024, as part of the UNC System policy updates, essentially reclassifying subcategories within EHRA classification. As a result EHRA employees are designated under the following subcategories:

  • “SAAO” denotes “Senior Administrative/Academic Officer”
  • “EPS” denotes “Exempt Professional Staff”
  • “Athletics” denotes “Athletics Coaches/Directors”
  • “Faculty” denotes “12 month Faculty”
  • “Law Enforcement” denotes “Police/Public Safety”

This change is reflected in UNC Policy 300 and helps distinguish between different employee types within the university system, making it easier for both HR professionals and employees to understand their status.

Why are changes being made to the leave benefits at UNC Charlotte?

The UNC System Board of Governors approved the changes for all UNC System institutions. Please reference Section 300.2.22 and 300.2.22.1[R] of the UNC Policy Manual for more details.

Who is required to participate in the Personal Leave ?

The following employees are required to participate in the new Personal Leave program.

  • Full-time and part-time permanent EHRA employees hired at UNC Charlotte on or after January 1, 2025.
  • SHRA employees whose hire date is on or after January 1, 2025, and who later transition to an EHRA position within UNC Charlotte.
  • Employees who transfer from state agencies and other UNC System institutions into EHRA roles on or after January 1, 2025.

What is Legacy Annual Leave (vacation)?

Eligible employees hired before Jan. 1, 2025, who opt into the irrevocable Personal Leave program can retain their Annual Leave (vacation) balance up to 30 days (240 hours), pro-rated for part-time. This is referred to as Legacy Annual Leave (vacation). This leave can be used at anytime, coded as VACATION (Standard) in Kronos, throughout eligible employment and saved for payout upon separation or retirement.

What are the Personal Leave accrual rates and can I carry over Personal Leave?

Eligible employees accrue 26 Personal Leave days annually (17.33 hours per month) and rates are prorated based on FTE and appointment length. Eligible employees may carry over up to 20 Personal Leave days each calendar year. Any unused excess will expire, and will not convert to Sick Leave. Please reference the Vacation Leave webpage for more details.

Is there a payout for unused Personal Leave?

No, Personal Leave is forfeited upon separation and is non-compensable.

Does Personal Leave Transfer?

  • Within UNC Charlotte: Personal Leave will transfer if moving to another role covered by the policy. Any Legacy Annual Leave (vacation) would also transfer to the new position, based on eligibility.
  • To Another UNC Institution: Up to 20 Personal Leave days will transfer. The employee will forfeit any unused excess Personal Leave, and will receive pay for any remaining Legacy Annual Leave (vacation).
  • To State Agency/Local Government: All Personal Leave will be forfeited upon transfer, and will receive pay for any remaining Legacy Annual Leave (vacation).

What happens if a Personal Leave participant moves into an SHRA role at UNC Charlotte?

If an employee in a covered position participating in Personal Leave moves into an SHRA position while employed at UNC Charlotte, they would be subject to the leave provisions of SHRA employment at the time of conversion. Upon appointment into an SHRA position, an employee would begin accruing Annual Leave (vacation) and any personal leave would be forfeited upon transfer into an SHRA position.

Who is eligible to opt-in to the Personal Leave program?

The following employees are eligible to opt into the new Personal Leave program.

  • EHRA leave-earning employees hired prior to January 1, 2025.
  • SHRA employees hired prior to January 1, 2025, who later convert to an EHRA position at UNC Charlotte on or after January 1, 2025.
  • Eligible employees can opt into the Personal Leave program at any time, however, the decision to opt-in to the Personal Leave program is irrevocable once made.

Considerations for opting into the Personal Leave program.

Choosing to opt into the Personal Leave program is a personal decision, and the reasons for doing so will vary based on individual circumstances and priorities. Please review the Personal Leave and Annual Leave (vacation) comparison chart to help you make an informed decision.

How do I opt-in to the Personal Leave program?

Employees may contact Gina Ewart or Shay McLean in benefits for assistance with Personal Leave.

I am an SHRA employee, how can I convert to EHRA in order to opt into the Personal Leave program?

If you are an SHRA employee and have questions about the EHRA conversion process, please contact your manager or department business officer.



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