Student Employees

On-campus student employment provides opportunities for UNC Charlotte students to develop essential skills and real-world work experiences necessary to facilitate a smooth transition to the post-graduate workforce, earn income to offset the costs of student life and support daily operations of the University. Eligibility for campus student employment is determined by a student’s current enrollment status.

Review the important information below to learn what you as a hiring manager should do and consider prior to hiring a student employee.

Student Employee Definitions

Student Temporary Wage: An undergraduate or graduate student who seeks on-campus work in any capacity for University departments or offices. The hiring department is responsible for funding the student payroll through its operational budget, non-state funding, discretionary funds, and/or grants. Students may hold more than one (1) job (Student Temp Wage, Graduate Assistantship or Federal Work-Study).

​The University Professional Internship Program (UPIP): UPIP is a program under the Student Temporary Wage designation. The department is responsible for funding half of the student payroll through its operational budget, non-state funding, discretionary funds or grants, with the other half supplemented by the University Career Center with prior approval. For information about this program, please visit the University Career Center’s website.

Federal Work Study: An undergraduate or graduate student who has applied for, and been awarded, a Federal Work Study Program grant. Eligibility is determined by Financial Aid and requires a student to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application each year. If determined to be eligible for program participation, a student is awarded a set amount of money for the academic year/semester and paid an hourly rate until all money is exhausted and/or the term ends. Any unearned award funding reverts to Financial Aid. A Federal Work Study student may work in any capacity for university departments and/or offices. Federal Work Study students may only hold one (1) Federal Work-Study job. May also hold a Student Temporary Wage or Graduate Assistantship simultaneously. Additionally, please note that Federal Work Study students may not perform work during scheduled class time(s), even if class(es) have been canceled. Pending funding availability, Federal Work Study students may work during the summer months if not enrolled in summer courses.

Student Stipend: An undergraduate or graduate student who works in any capacity for university departments and/or offices. Student Stipend positions are paid a flat rate and do not require weekly time records. Stipend payments may only be available for certain types of jobs. Prior authorization must be received from the Student Employment Coordinator before permitting a student to work. Examples of student stipend positions include: Residence Advisors, UTOP Mentors, and SOAR Representatives. The hiring department is responsible for funding the student payroll through its operational budget, non-state funding, discretionary funds or grants. Students may hold more than one (1) job (Student Temp Wage, Graduate Assistantship or Federal Work-Study).

Graduate Assistantship: Awarded by academic departments to graduate students for teaching (TA) or research (RA) assignments to enhance the educational experience through degree-related work opportunities and to enable student financial support. For these reasons, these positions are not considered as ‘employees’ under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Graduate assistantships are generally awarded a determined amount to be distributed over a designated work period. Graduate students may hold more than one (1) assistantship concurrently. For more information as regards the Graduate School’s policies and procedures, please visit the Graduate School’s website.


Students are not eligible for State benefits and are not eligible to participate in any optional deduction programs. Student employees may become eligible for health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act if required, or permitted, to work thirty (30) or more hours a week or if determined to work thirty (30) or more hours a week during the look back period. However, all student employees are hired as variable part-time workers at the time of hire.

Job Postings

All on-campus student employment opportunities must be advertised through Hire-A-Niner to allow any interested students to apply. Departments can advertise or have an application process on their site, but a formal job posting should be posted on Hire-A-Niner with a proper link directing the applicant to their website.

All new student employees shall complete all required new hire paperwork through the Student Employment Office or International Student and Scholar Office ISSO (for international students) to verify employment eligibility before the first day of employment. Students who perform services that constitute an employee-employer relationship must be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and North Carolina Wage and Hour Act. Students who perform services in support of a University department may not be considered volunteers or compensated through scholarship, stipend, or as an independent contractor.

All student employment will comply with Equal Employment, the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Student Pay Status and Compensation

Student Pay Status:

  • Hourly: Students are paid an hourly rate and record all hours worked on an electronic timesheet via Web Time Entry. Hourly employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. The standard timekeeping period runs from Sunday through Saturday.
  • Stipend: Students are paid a fixed sum of money on a determined periodic basis for services or defrayed expenses. The fact that remuneration is termed a “fee” or “stipend” rather than salary or wages is immaterial. Wages are generally subject to employment taxes and should be reported on Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. Stipend payments for Graduate Teaching and Research Assistantships are paid twice monthly.


Effective fall 2023, the University’s minimum wage will be $10. Should a supervisor wish to change a student’s hourly rate, a Temporary Employment Change Request form shall be completed and submitted to the Student Employment office for review and approval. Students are eligible for annual increases, up to 5%

Departments may also develop a compensation plan with the initial review and approval of Human Resources.

If students attend Spring semester, are not enrolled, in Summer classes, and are registered for Fall semester, they can work up to 40 hours per week during the summer. Student employees are eligible to earn overtime compensation at the approved hourly rate x 1.5, if permitted to work more than 40 hours per week. Hiring departments are advised to monitor student work hours – especially if a student holds more than one (1) position – to ensure that 40 hours of work are not exceeded in any given work week.

During a holiday, when a student is deemed essential/mandatory and approved to work by Human Resources, they are to be paid 1.5 Premium Holiday Pay for every hour they work.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit is required for all employees. All student employees shall be advised to enroll in all direct deposit types rather than Refund Only.

FICA Exemption

Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax is a U.S. federal payroll tax. Student employees are eligible for exemption from FICA tax deductions if they meet the minimum number of credit hours, as indicated in the table below. Students shall immediately become ineligible for work as a Federal Work Study employee if enrolled credit hours drop below the required minimums.

Undergraduate students who enroll in less than twelve (12) hours for the fall and spring terms shall not receive the FICA exemption. Graduate students who enroll in less than nine (9) credit hours for the fall and spring terms shall not receive the FICA exemption. Graduate students enrolled in Thesis Only shall receive the FICA exemption. Hiring departments shall plan to allocate appropriate funding for the additional costs of 6.2% for Social Security Tax and 1.45% for Medicare (7.65% total) if a student employee is not enrolled as a full-time student.

Academic TermUndergraduate Minimum Registered HoursGraduate Minimum Registered Hours

During the summer, student workers who do not maintain full-time enrollment, or are not enrolled in summer courses, will not receive the FICA exemption.

If a hiring department requires a student employee to work during the winter break (when the University is closed), it must obtain prior approval from the Student Employment Coordinator.

Summer Employment

To be eligible for work on a student assignment during the summer, an employee shall have been enrolled for the spring term and the upcoming fall term. Newly admitted students may work on a student assignment during the summer if enrolled in a summer course during their employment. For example, if enrolled in the first summer session, they may begin work on the first day of class. If a student is not registered until the second summer session, eligibility for student employment may begin on the first day of that session.


Timesheets are due at the end of each pay period the student works. After the two-week cycle closes, the student shall submit all hours worked by hours no later than the close of business on the following Monday. The supervisor shall review/approve the timesheet by no later than the close of business on Wednesday to ensure student employees receive paychecks on Friday of the following week.

Work without the prior approval of the supervisor and/or “off the clock” is prohibited. Timesheets not approved by the aforementioned deadlines shall follow the late timesheet protocol. Please contact your business officer and/or payroll for instructions.

Awards and Recognition

Every year, Human Resources recognizes exceptional student employees who go above and beyond their job description. University offices and departments that employ students may nominate one student each year to be considered for the annual Student Employee of the Year Award. Human Resources hosts a recognition event for nominees and their supervisors each year.


  • Undergraduate students that are employed in any capacity as a student employee (Federal Work Study or Student Temporary Wage Employment).
  • Students must be currently attending.
  • Student must have worked at least two full consecutive semesters (or more) in the same office/department not including the semester that we are currently in.
  • Each office/department can only nominate one student. Before nominating a student, please check with your entire office/department to ensure no other office members want to nominate a student.

Nominees will be evaluated on the following areas as a minimum:

  • Reliability
  • Quality of work
  • Initiative
  • Professionalism
  • Contributions to the employers

Information about the 2024 Student Employee of the Year nomination process can be found here.


How to Hire Students

If you want to receive applications for student employment, you will post the position in Hire-A-Niner. This applies to all paid positions, whether you hire temp-wage, federal work-study (FWS) positions, new GAs, or UPIPs.

Post your open student positions in Hire-A-Niner

  • To advertise an available student temp wage, FWS, or GA position, create a posting in Hire-A-Niner.
  • Student employment opportunities are no longer posted in Niner Talent.

Creating your Hire-A-Niner employer account

  • If you are not a current user of Hire-A-Niner, and are interested in posting any student employment position, you will need to create an account in Hire-A-Niner.
  • To do so, go to, click on the EMPLOYER tab, and create a new username and password (this is not connected with your NinerNET password).
  • Once you submit your employer account information, your account will be reviewed. You will receive an email notification once your account is approved.

More information and resources can be found at the Student Employment website.

Federal Work Study Hiring Process

For the successful hire of a new Federal Work Study student, please follow the steps listed on the Student Employment website.

Non-Federal Work Study Hiring Process

For the successful hire of a Non-Federal Work Study student, please following the steps listed on the Student Employment website.

Procedure for New Student Employees

Prior to working, your new student employee will need to complete the new hire process on Canvas.



Contact Teresa Shook, Employment Specialist, at or 704-687-0671.