EHRA Non-Faculty
EHRA Non-FACULTY Recruitment and Selection
The EHRA Non-Faculty Administration Office provides all recruitment, hiring and salary administration support for EHRA Non-Faculty personnel.
It is expected that a search will be conducted to identify applicants for all permanent EHRA Non-Faculty Positions. The scope of the search (national, regional, local, or campus) is determined after careful consideration of the goals and needs of the University and other related factors, such as the availability of an appropriate pool of applicants.
The procedures described in this section apply to all permanent EHRA Non-Faculty positions throughout the University. These include both full-time and part-time non-faculty positions that are exempt from the State Personnel Act and involve “at will” appointments or appointments with a term of six months or more. EHRA Non-Faculty positions are covered by the provisions of University Policy 102.7, Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act.
The following position designations are used to identify the administrators involved in the employment of EHRA Non-Faculty:
- Unit Head (includes Department Chairs, Directors, and other unit heads)
- Division Designee (includes College Deans, Associate Vice Chancellors, others designated to act for a Vice Chancellor)
- Vice Chancellor (includes the Vice Chancellor for each of the Divisions of the University)
Position Review
When a vacancy occurs in an existing EHRA Non-Faculty position, the Unit Head reviews the position and ensures that the position description is accurate and current in NinerTalent. If the position description needs to be updated or edited, a “Modify Position Description” action will need to be initiated through NinerTalent. (See PIM-45: Identifying Essential Functions and Physical Requirements of EHRA Non-Faculty Positions.) Assistance with this review may be obtained from the Human Resources Department.
Recruitment Process
Vacant EHRA Non-Faculty positions are authorized for recruitment on the basis of justifications for staffing priorities that address the goals and program needs of the unit/department, area/college, division and University. After authorization to recruit is received from the Division Designee/Vice Chancellor, a recruitment plan is developed which specifies how the position will be used and how it will be advertised and establishes a schedule for the recruitment process.
- Search and Screening
Most units rely on committees to identify and screen applicants for vacant EHRA Non-Faculty positions. These committees generally are appointed by the Unit Head or sometimes by the Division Designee. Typically, the Unit Head identifies candidates for temporary replacement appointments without involving a search and screening committee. The Office of General Counsel has prepared a document containing guidelines and relevant legal information for search committee members. To view this document, select this link: Search Committee Fundamentals for Faculty Members.
The functions of the search and screening committee generally include the following:
-assisting with review of the job description and the criteria for the position,
-assisting with development of the recruitment plan for the position,
-seeking and finding qualified applicants who are interested in applying for the position,
-conducting an active search for qualified applicants from protected groups whose appointment would further equal opportunity employment,
-receiving, reviewing, and evaluating the applications of the candidates,
-conducting interviews of the top candidates for the position,
-recommending the final candidate(s) to the Unit Head or Division Designee.
The charge to the search and screening committee will vary according to the needs for each position; however, it should address the following: time schedule for the search; the applicant pool and whether it is reflective of the labor market; number of final candidates to be recommended; resources available to support the activities of the committee and pay for the expenses of candidates to be invited for interviews; administrative guidelines and tasks involved in the recruitment and screening processes; and the importance of confidentiality in the recruitment process.
The Compliance Office located in the Department of Human Resources is available to consult with the committee as it organizes the search and screening process. The EEO Consultant can assist with selection of media for announcing vacancies, the request for specific labor market data, and information concerning the demographics of the applicant pool as a whole. - Job Posting
A Job Posting is initiated through NinerTalent. The posting information will pull from the Position Description, so it is important to ensure that the Position Description is up-to-date.
The Labor Market Availability Data will be provided by our EEO Consultant.
Within the Job Posting, please indicate any plans to advertise externally, including where advertisements will be placed, and when they will appear. We use Graystone Advertising Group for all external advertising. This is coordinated by Human Resources. - Advertising
The recruiting unit or the Division Designee’s Office pays for the advertising of positions. Ready-to-mail advertisements prepared by the recruiting unit are appended to the Recruitment Plan when it is submitted to the Division Designee. The advertisements are mailed to the media when the Recruitment Plan and the “advertising plan” it includes are approved by the Division Designee. The cover letter accompanying advertisements instructs the advertiser to whom the invoices for payment should be addressed.- Media
Positions are advertised in media which have appropriate audiences for the scope of the search. A search that is national or international generally advertises in The Chronicle of Higher Education and journals or newsletters published by national or international professional organizations. When it is determined that a position can be filled most appropriately through a search limited to the State, region, or campus, advertisements are authorized to be placed in media which serve the area of the search. The Graystone Group can be used for your advertising needs. All external advertisements should be sent to to: Linda Reed Graystone Group Advertising:
Other effective ways to publicize a vacant position include contacts at professional meetings, telephone calls and letters to colleagues at other institutions, letters or position announcements sent to institutions, agencies, or organizations, and listing on the homepage of the employing unit and the Human Resources Department. - Content
An advertisement must require reference to our online application process, and must list documents to be included electronically with the online EHRA Non-Faculty Profile. An advertisement must be accurate and, especially for publications which charge by the length of the advertisement, concise. It should be written in a style appropriate for the publication in which it will appear. It should provide sufficient information for applicants to determine their interest in the position and to learn how to apply and to obtain additional information. It must be free from text or illustrative material which implies that preference will be given to applicants on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, color, age, or absence of disability unless one or more of these is a bona fide occupational qualification for the position.
Although the specific topics to address in an advertisement will depend upon the type of position, the type of media, and the cost involved, the following topics typically are included:
-Title of position
-Place of position within the University organizational structure (i.e., to whom will the appointment report)
-Name of recruiting unit and Division
-Description of position
-Educational requirements
-Qualifications: experience, knowledge
-Length of appointment
-Starting date
-Application materials required to be attached electronically
-Schedule for the search, including application deadline
-Requirement that all applicants must apply through our online application process
-EOE statement
-Criminal Background Check Requirement Statement
-Link to the Department website (optional)
All advertisements must include:
The educational expectations and/or qualifications that will be used to screen applications and make an employment decision. It may be useful to distinguish between the minimum required for appointment and what, in addition, is preferred.
Note: The advertised expectations and/or qualifications must be applied to all applicants; i.e., if an applicant is excluded from consideration for lack of a credential identified as a requirement for the position, all applicants who lack that credential must be excluded.
The affirmative action statement :
The following statements may be used.
UNC Charlotte is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, or to reduce advertising expense, the following notation: AA/EOE. The statement may be expanded to include: Women, members of minority groups, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
As an EOE/AA employer and an ADVANCE Institution that strives to create an academic climate in which the dignity of all individuals is respected and maintained, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte encourages applications from all underrepresented groups.
The criminal background check statement : Subject to Criminal Background Check
The starting date of the appointment and the schedule for the search. In cases where the search is expected to be straightforward, the statement might read. For example: Position available October 15, 20XX; deadline for receipt of applications is July 1, 20XX.Note: if this wording is used, only applications received by the deadline may be considered. For many searches, more flexibility is needed and a statement such as the following is preferred:
Position available October 15, 20XX, or January 1, 20XX. Review of applications will begin July 1, 20XX, and continue until the position is filled. In this case, any application received before an offer of appointment is accepted may be considered.
Instructions for applying, including materials to be provided. Typically, such materials include resume, letter of application relating qualifications to requirements for the position, and the names/addresses/telephone numbers of a specified number of persons knowledgeable about the applicant’s background and qualifications. The Compliance Officer in the Department of Human Resources is available to assist with preparation of advertisements.
- Media
- Affirmative Action Recruitment
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and strives to create an academic climate in which the dignity of all individuals is respected and maintained. Women, minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, protected veteran status, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte maintains an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan prepared in accordance with Executive Order 11246 and the Consent Decree.
The chief administrator in each unit serves as the Unit Affirmative Action Officer and is responsible for all efforts within the unit regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action as specified in the University’s Affirmative Action Plan. These responsibilities include advertising or announcing vacancies where they are likely to be seen by a wide variety of prospective applicants, including minorities and women; requesting assistance of institutions, organizations, and colleagues to identify qualified applicants from protected groups; and ensuring that applications are reviewed and decisions are taken in compliance with the University’s commitment to affirmative action, equal opportunity employment.
The EEO Consultant provides information for evaluating the effectiveness of each recruitment by conducting an Equity Review on each posting.
The Compliance Officer in Human Resources is available to assist with efforts to enhance the effectiveness of the affirmative action recruitment process. For example, the recruiting unit may obtain assistance with writing advertisements and identifying media to reach a wide variety of prospective applicants.
At the conclusion of each search, the EEO Consultant evaluates the affirmative action recruitment efforts for that position by reviewing the completed recruitment in NinerTalent including the Job Posting, Equity Review, and Hiring Proposal. - Avoiding Discrimination
The law recognizes two types of employment discrimination claims: intentional discrimination and disparate impact (whether the hiring standards applied have a disparate impact on a protected group). To avoid such claims, it is important to have well-documented justifications for the legitimacy of all hiring and employment decisions.
To avoid hiring or employment decisions that may have a disparate impact on a protected class, those making recommendations or decisions on initial appointments should carefully consider the standards they apply to determine whether there is any alternative standard that would not have such an effect. If there is no alternative standard available, then they must be able to demonstrate that the standard applied is job-related and consistent with business necessity.
For instance, it is legitimate to require a successful candidate to have a particular kind of experience or training that reflects a certain philosophy or theory. If that philosophy or theory happens to be current or recent (such as deconstructionist theory), the result may be that only those with recent training and experience (who are often younger) are qualified for the position. As long as that requirement can be justified by the needs of the hiring department or college, there is no other standard that could be used as an alternative, and it is not a pretext for hiring only “recent graduates” who are likely to be younger, it should be legitimate. - Affirmative Action Data Collection
The EEO Consultant monitors the recruitment of applicants for EHRA Non-Faculty positions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of affirmative action efforts. This evaluation requires that the candidate complete the demographic questions on the EHRA Non-Faculty Profile.
Upon approval of the posting of a position, the recruiting unit advertises the position and solicits applications/nominations. When a candidate submits their online application, an email acknowledgment thanking the candidate for applying at UNC Charlotte will be generated with a successfully submitted EHRA Non-Faculty Profile, provided the candidate included their email address.
The HR Compliance Office compiles information from the EHRA Non-Faculty Profile for each position being recruited. This information is used in assessing the effectiveness of the recruitment effort to reach members of protected groups. A summary of the demographic information is available to departments by request.
Recruitment efforts that do not attract applications from appropriate numbers of individuals in underrepresented categories are reviewed to determine if, and how, current recruitment efforts might be made more effective. For additional information regarding the collection of affirmative action data, contact the EEO Consultant (7-0661). - Withdrawal, Suspended, or Continued Searches
In some instances, recruitment efforts do not produce an appropriate pool of applicants for a position, or for some other reason, it becomes necessary to withdraw or suspend a search or to continue it into a new recruitment period. When this happens, the Unit Head submits a written request to withdraw, suspend, or continue the search to the Division Designee for approval. This request specifies the position # and title of the position and the reason(s) for withdrawing, suspending, or continuing the search. The Division Designee is responsible for informing the Vice Chancellor and the EHRA Non-Faculty Human Resources Consultant about changes in the status of searches.
Upon the Division Designee’s approval to suspend the search, recruitment for the position ceases until the Division Designee re-authorizes recruitment and a new posting is approved. - Storage of Applicant Files
The University is required to keep the files of all applicants for EHRA Non-Faculty positions for three years in order to respond to any questions that arise about search, screening, or appointment decisions. If hard copies are not made, the online application software can be accessed for this information.
The official personnel files of successful applicants are maintained in the Office of the Vice Chancellor in which they are employed and working files are kept as needed in the offices of Unit Heads and Division Designees. In addition, a file for all EHRA Non-Faculty employees in the University is maintained for the Chancellor in Human Resources. The files of all other applicants are stored until they are scheduled to be destroyed.
Policy Statement #59 specifies that the files of unsuccessful applicants are to be forwarded to the office of the appropriate Vice Chancellor where they are retained three years and then destroyed. Unfortunately, the Office of Human Resources does not have space to accommodate these files, and this may be true for other Vice Chancellors.
Until further notice, units are asked to retain their hard copies of files for unsuccessful applicants for three years after the close of the search. At the end of the three years, the files should be destroyed.
Screening Process
There are generally four times in the search and screening process when decisions are made about which applicants will receive further consideration. Throughout the screening process, it is imperative that the reviewers apply the advertised expectations and/or qualifications for the position to all applicants in the same way; i.e., if an applicant is excluded from consideration for lack of a credential identified as a requirement for the position, all applicants who lack that credential must be excluded.
- Initial Screening. The initial screening separates ineligible applicants from eligible candidates by eliminating applicants who do not meet the minimum criteria advertised for the position. It may be done as applications are received, after the announced date for screening to begin, or after the announced date for applications to be received. The task is sometimes delegated to a subcommittee of the search and screening committee. A list of all applicants is compiled automatically with the online process as applications are received. Applicants determined to be ineligible will be coded using the online application software as “Not Best Qualified.” An email will not be sent to the candidate until the position the recruitment is completed. The candidates determined to be eligible for further consideration are subject to a second, more detailed screening and should be marked “Further Consideration” in NinerTalent.
- Evaluating the Qualifications of Eligible Candidates. The second screening is the major review to determine how well the candidates meet the job qualifications and criteria for the position. It is conducted after the announced date for screening to begin or for applications to be received. Search, and screening committees sometimes develop checklists to assist members of the committee in their review of the materials for each applicant. The screening criteria presented in the checklist may be more detailed than the advertised expectations and qualifications, but they cannot be contradictory to them. This screening identifies the candidates for whom complete application files, including reference letters, will be compiled. The applicants should be updated in NinerTalent through this process. Candidates who are no longer being considered should be changed to “Qualified, Not Selected”
- Selecting Candidates for Interview. The third screening takes place after complete application files of candidates are compiled. It produces a shortlist of the top (10-12) candidates. These candidates should be updated in NinerTalent and marked as “Recommend for Interview.” At this stage in the process, the department needs to contact Human Resources so that the Equity Review can be completed. There are two ways to do this. The Approver in NinerTalent can route the job posting to the Equity Officer to review, or the Initiator can e-mail and request the Equity Review be completed. Once the Equity Review has been finalized, the Equity Officer will contact the Initiator and/or Approver and indicate if they are ready to move forward with interviews.
- Selecting the Finalist(s). The fourth screening identifies the finalist(s) to be recommended to the Unit Head or Division Designee. This selection is made after taking into consideration the opinions of the participants in the interview process.
If the finalist is currently employed at another campus within the University of North Carolina system, the following procedure must be followed.
- The appropriate Vice Chancellor at UNC Charlotte must notify the Vice Chancellor from the other campus when the selection is made.
- The current campus of the employee may request the terms of the offer within 5 days to make an equivalent offer.
- No offers of an ACADEMIC appointment can be made within 90 days of the start of a semester unless mutually agreed upon by authorized campus officials.
- Upon hiring an employee from another campus, any transfer of a contract or grant, or equipment can only be accomplished with the approval of both Chancellors.
UNC System policies for EHRA employees can be viewed here.
Interview Process
When the shortlist of top candidates for a position has been compiled and the candidates to be invited to campus for interview are selected, the department is responsible for contacting the AA/EEO Consultant, so the Equity Review can be conducted. Once the Equity Review has been completed, the AA/EEO Consultant will email the department contact person, letting them know if the department has been approved to schedule interviews. To start an Equity Review, email Make sure to include the position number in your email.
Special procedures are involved when candidates for interview are non-resident aliens.
- Invitations to candidates for on-campus interviews must be authorized in advance by the Division Designee. Preparation of the request for authorization to interview should include consultation with appropriate offices to determine possible dates available for the interview.
- All candidates are interviewed by the Unit Head and Division Designee. In some divisions and for some positions, the Vice Chancellor also interviews all candidates. The Vice Chancellor may be requested to interview candidates for other EHRA Non-Faculty appointments at the request of a Division Designee.
- Justifications for interviews are expected to address the following: (1) relevant prior experience; (2) educational background; (3) qualifications specifically relevant to the positions; and (4) other qualifications and experience relevant to other goals and programmatic needs of the unit, division, and University. When the applicant status is changed to Recommend for Interview, a text box for the reason will open. This is where you will enter the justification.
- Review of Visa Status of Non-Resident Aliens. If a candidate to be interviewed is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, the Director of the International Student / Scholar Office is consulted to review the candidate’s current visa status and to assist the recruiting unit with the procedures for hiring foreign staff members. The Foreign National Information Form and an IRS Form 8233 must be signed by the candidate.
- Applicant Pool Compared to Labor Market Availability. This information is used by the Unit Head to provide documentation regarding: (a) all the applications received for the position and (b) affirmative action data obtained from the EHRA Non-Faculty Profile. The HR Compliance Office supplies a summary of the information disclosed by applicants on the EHRA Non-Faculty Profile and relevant information from the Affirmative Action Plan. This information is used to assess whether or not the applicant pool is reflective of the labor market.
- Authorization to Interview Candidates. After reviewing the report of the applicant pool demographics, the credentials, and the justification for interview of each candidate, the Division Designee will indicate approval, required modifications, or denial of the request for authorization to interview candidates.
- Arrangements for the Interview. Final arrangements for the interview are made as soon as the Division Designee has approved the candidates for interview. This involves:
- making arrangements for the candidate’s travel and accommodations
- establishing an interview schedule and itinerary for the visit; and
- distributing the interview schedule and itinerary to participants in the interview
If the Vice Chancellor or Chancellor is to interview the candidate, the Division Designee’s Office makes the arrangements and forwards a copy of the candidate’s interview schedule and file far enough in advance of the interview to provide the interviewer(s) an opportunity to review the candidate’s file prior to the interview.
- Travel Authorization and Arrangements. To qualify for reimbursement of travel expenses, the candidate’s travel must be approved in advance of the visit. (State funds may not be used to reimburse travel expenses for members of the candidate’s family.) The Unit Head accomplishes this by completing a Travel Authorization for Non-employee travel form for each candidate. The Division Designee’s Office is responsible for forwarding a copy of the Travel Authorization for Non-employee form for each candidate interviewed, with original signatures to the Travel Clerk in Financial Services before the travel dates. Guidelines for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses. Please see the Travel Procedure Manual for information regarding reimbursement of travel expenses for a non-employee. Reimbursement of University Employees for Purchase of Meals for Candidates and Related Entertainment Expenses. Please refer to the section of the Travel Procedures Manual entitled “Expenditures Incurred on Behalf of Job Candidates” for more information. Reimbursement for Employee Expenses. Each Vice Chancellor establishes guidelines and procedures to reimburse University employees for expenses incurred while entertaining candidates, e.g., alcoholic beverages and meals for University employees. Employees should obtain advance approval to receive reimbursement for these expenses before incurring them.
- Employee Benefits Information for Permanent Full-Time EHRA Non-Faculty Staff Members. Detailed information is available upon request from the Human Resources – Benefits Office (King 207) and each new employee receives a packet of information about fringe benefit programs and options that may be obtained from Benefits anytime after an offer of appointment is accepted. For more information, visit the Benefits Summary.
Effective Date for Health Insurance. The effective date for the health insurance benefit provided for eligible employees generally is the first day of the month following the date of employment. For example, a staff member employed on August 16 would have an effective date of September 1 provided a proper application has been made. Contact the Benefits Office for additional information. - Criminal Background Check Disclosure Statement. The University requires that criminal background checks be conducted on all new EHRA Non-Faculty appointments. Beginning with the implementation of NinerTalent, EHRA Non-Faculty Administration is no longer accepting paper Criminal Background Consent Forms, also known as the AA-38. As of July 1, 2015, the final candidate will be sent an electronic invitation via email asking them to complete the online consent form. This email is initiated by Human Resources and sent directly to the final candidate from the vendor, Infomart. The Criminal Background Reporting Procedures is available on the Office of Legal Affairs website.
Appointment Process
EHRA Non-Faculty appointments are made in accordance with the provisions of University Policy 102.7, Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Personnel Act (hereinafter, the Personnel Policies).
- Selection of the Candidate to be Offered an Appointment. The Unit Head consults with the participants in the interview process to obtain their opinions about the candidates and, taking these opinions into consideration, selects the candidate to be offered appointment.
- Negotiation of Salary and Other Terms and Conditions of Employment. The Vice Chancellor/Division Designee is responsible for negotiations with the candidate regarding salary and other terms and conditions of employment and moving expenses. The range of negotiation generally is limited, for example, by the salary resources allocated to the position and the availability of resources to support other needs. Since not all candidates are equally experienced or skilled in negotiation, care should be taken not to disadvantage the less experienced negotiator who presents comparable professional qualifications.
The Division Designee is expected to consult with the Vice Chancellor before making even an informal offer, such as an offer to pay moving expenses, using resources that are not directly controlled by these individuals. - Hiring Proposal. The Unit Head prepares the Hiring Proposal in NinerTalent, and forwards it through NinerTalent to the Division Designee.
The Division Designee approves the Hiring Proposal in NinerTalent and submits and submits the Hiring Proposal to Human Resources.
- Offers of Appointment/Appointment Agreements. Offers of appointment are issued in the form of an Agreement for Permanent EHRA Non-Faculty Appointment (AA-26) signed by the Vice Chancellor and accompanied by a cordial letter of invitation to join the staff of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The Appointment Agreement contains the terms and conditions of employment, including title, salary, term of appointment (effective November 2004, all SAAO Tier I and II appointments are “at will” as mandated by the Board of Governors), and other terms and conditions of appointment (if any). Copies of University Policy 102.7, Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act, and University Policy 102.3, Political Activities of Faculty and Staff Exempt from the State Human Resources Act, must be provided to the candidate with the offer of appointment. Additional requirements apply to persons to be employed as coaches; check with the Office of Academic Affairs regarding these requirements.
- Accepted Appointments. When an offer of appointment is accepted and the appointment agreement is signed and returned by the new EHRA Non-Faculty member within the period for acceptance set in the offer of appointment (See item 15 of the Agreement for Appointment), the Vice Chancellor forwards the accepted Agreement for Appointment (AA-26), Request for Waiver of Search (AA-23) (if any), the Verification of Credentials form (AA-34) and PD-7 to the Office of EHRA Non-Faculty Administration in Human Resources.
Department Administrator changes the status on the remaining candidates in the pool of applicants, which completes the online process.
The Office of EHRA Non-Faculty Administration is responsible for (1) preparing the materials required to submit to the Board of Trustees for appointment of SAAOs (Senior Academic and Administrative Officers – Tier 1); (2) preparing letters for the Chancellor’s signature to notify candidates of actions taken by the Board of Trustees; and (3) establishing the Chancellor’s personnel file for the staff member.
Personnel Review Process
The performance of all University employees is reviewed and evaluated regularly to guide and support staff development and to provide the basis for personnel decisions, including salary adjustment, reappointment, and promotion. The Chancellor is responsible for reviewing in writing each of the direct reports who serve as members of the Chancellor’s Cabinet, including the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement, the Director of Athletics, the Chief of Staff, and the General Counsel. Each of the Vice Chancellors is responsible for the process for reviewing in writing each EHRA Non-Faculty member on an annual basis who holds an appointment in their Division. The annual and periodic evaluation of the Provost is provided for in the UNC Charlotte Academic Policy and Procedure: Evaluation of Academic Administrators.
Annual Evaluations for Administrators Who Directly Report to the Chancellor:
Each Vice Chancellor or employee who reports directly to the Chancellor as a member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet will be reviewed in writing by the Chancellor on an annual basis. The annual review process is initiated when the employee submits to the Chancellor a brief self-assessment of the goals and accomplishments achieved in the current fiscal year and proposed goals for the upcoming year. This summary should be provided to the Chancellor on or before June 1. By September 1, the Chancellor will complete the formal review process following the Chancellor’s Summer Retreat (typically scheduled in July or August of each year), at which time the Chancellor will convey approval or modification of each employee’s annual goals and objectives for the division or office for which s/he is responsible. In completing evaluations, the Chancellor reserves the option of consulting with Trustees, other members of the Chancellor’s Cabinet, each employee’s direct reports, or others who have had the opportunity to work with the employee and can comment knowledgeably about his/her performance.
Reappointment Process
Employment of an EHRA Non-Faculty member established by the Appointment Agreement to be for a stated definite term expires automatically at the conclusion of the stated term; however, such an appointment may be renewed or extended at the option of the employer in accordance with the requirements of Section II of University Policy 102.7, Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Personnel Act. An EHRA Non-Faculty member must be given advance notice of the expiration of a term appointment; the amount of notice required depends on the length of the initial term. See Section III.B of the Personnel Policies.
Recommendation for Reappointment. Recommendations for renewal or extension of the employment of EHRA Non-Faculty on stated definite term appointments are prepared by the Unit Head and submitted to the Division Designee on the Recommendation for Appointment of EHRA Non-Faculty (Form AA-25) accompanied by an updated resume, PD-7, visa documentation (if applicable), and other documentation as appropriate.
If the Division Designee approves the Recommendation for Appointment of EHRA Non-Faculty (Form AA-25), it is forwarded with the attachments to the Vice Chancellor.
Offers of Appointment/Appointment Agreements. Offers of reappointment are issued by the Vice Chancellor in the form of a letter which addresses the requirements of Section II of the Personnel Policies or in the form of a new Agreement for Permanent EHRA Non-Faculty Appointment (AA-26).
Accepted Reappointments. When an offer of reappointment is accepted, and the appointment agreement is signed, the Vice Chancellor forwards the accepted Appointment Agreement and the PD-7 to the Office of EHRA Non-Faculty Administration.
Waiver of Search Process
It is expected that a search compliant with the University’s equal employment opportunity policies will be conducted to identify applicants for EHRA permanent staff positions. The scope of the search (national, regional, local, or campus) is determined after careful consideration of the goals and needs of the University and other related factors, such as availability of an appropriate pool of applicants generated by a previous search. For a variety of reasons (often related to the academic calendar), it may be impractical or even impossible to follow regular search procedures.
Competitive search requirements may be waived temporarily to meet exceptional circumstances. All temporary waivers of search have to be approved by the University’s Affirmative Action Officer. The following list of such special circumstances is intended to be illustrative, not exhaustive:
- There is insufficient time to conduct a standard competitive search and the administrator can identify a pool of one or more qualified candidates from existing pools or through local or regional networks and advertising.
- The administrator wishes to make an interim academic or mid-to-senior administrative appointment for a period of one year or less while a competitive search is conducted.
- The administrator wishes to fill a temporary vacancy created by a leave of absence.
Since a temporary waiver of search is valid for one year only, a search of appropriate scope should be conducted during the one year time frame. Conducting at least a local search to fill a temporary vacancy provides more flexibility than filling the position without a search. For example, an appointment resulting from a local search to fill a temporary vacancy created by a leave of absence without pay could be renewed if the leave were extended for a second year. Extension of an appointment which did not involve a search would require review and justification.
To obtain a waiver of normal competitive search requirements, the hiring official should submit a signed Request for Waiver of Search for EHRA Staff to the Vice Chancellor of the appropriate division for approval. The temporary waiver request should ordinarily be submitted before the Recommendation for Initial Appointment, but the Vice Chancellor may allow the temporary waiver request for an appointment of one academic year or less to be submitted concurrently with the Recommendation for Initial Appointment.
The Vice Chancellor, after receiving approval from the University’s Affirmative Action Officer, is authorized to approve temporary waivers of search requirements for an appointment of one academic year or less. Offers of employment may not be extended until coordination with the Human Resources Department has occurred.
Once the Waiver of Search form has been completed and approved, please contact Human Resources so that a posting and hiring proposal can be created in NinerTalent. The form will be uploaded into the NinerTalent hiring proposal.
Permanent Waiver of Search
Contact the director of talent acquisition at ext 7-0670, for information regarding a request to appoint an individual to a position without conducting a competitive search.
Quick Reference Guides and Resources
- EHRA Non-faculty Hiring Checklist
- Posting an EHRA Non-Faculty Position
- Search Committee Best Practices
- Search Committee Member Guide
- Before You Start Interviews
- HR/Equity Review
- On-Campus Interview Guidance
- Creating a Hiring Proposal
- Coming Soon – Questions to ask References
- How to Choose a Search Firm
- Requirements to be Met by Search Firms
- Customizing Searches in NinerTalent
- Running Reports in NinerTalent
- EHRA Non-Faculty Applicant Tracking User Guide
Hiring Paperwork
- Please email or contact your Talent Acquisition Consultant to obtain the appropriate EHRA Staff Agreement/Offer Letter.
For assistance with NinerTalent, please reference the EHRA Non-Faculty Applicant Tracking User Guide or Contact:
Heather Mitchell, Talent Acquisition Consultant
Phone: 704-687-7863
Kel Dudden, Sr. Talent Acquisition Consultant
Phone: 704-687-0668
Erica Roth, Talent Acquisition Consultant
Phone: 704-687-5224
Felicia Thompkins, Talent Acquisition Consultant
Phone: 704-687-0667