Performance Management

NinerTalent Stakes—Performance Management

UNC Charlotte runs on the individual accomplishments of our faculty and staff performed within their roles. Our performance management process allows employees and supervisors to clearly communicate performance abilities as well as evaluate achievements.

This communication between managers and employees opens the door for important growth opportunities, such as:

  • recognizing accomplishments and/or identifying developmental needs;
  • promoting greater understanding of current and/or future goals (University, departmental, work unit), as well as their specific role in facilitating the achievement of these objectives; and
  • discussing skills and development/enhancement opportunities to encourage continuous learning and to enable career growth.

Note: All staff employees, regardless of status, are required to have an annual performance appraisal. Information on the annual review process for faculty can be found via the Academic Affairs procedure.

Important Dates and Deadlines

SHRA Performance Actions

Appraisal ActionsAction OwnerDue Date
Employee Self-AppraisalEmployeeMarch 31
Supervisor AppraisalSupervisor/AppraiserMay 2
Appraisal ApprovalNext Level Supervisor/ManagerMay 6
Release AppraisalSupervisor/AppraiserMay 9
Employee Acknowledges AppraisalEmployeeMay 15
Performance Plan ActionsAction OwnerDue Date
Performance Plan CreationSupervisorMay 30
Plan ApprovalNext Level Supervisor/ManagerJune 6
Employee Acknowledges PlanEmployeeJune 13

Note: A new action cannot be started until the previous action is completed regardless of the open date.

EHRA Performance Actions

Appraisal ActionsAction OwnerDue Date
Employee Self-Appraisal (optional)

*Though this is an optional step, employees must log into NinerTalent to select the option to bypass the evaluation.
EmployeeMarch 31
Supervisor AppraisalSupervisorJune 15
Appraisal Approval (optional)

**Appraisal approvals are conducted outside the NinerTalent system.
Unit/Department HeadJune 22
Release Appraisal to EmployeeSupervisorJune 22
Employee Acknowledges AppraisalEmployeeJune 30

Employee Tips and Resources

  • The employee self-appraisal gives you the opportunity to reflect on your performance strengths, weaknesses, goals, and training needs or desires. It also allows your supervisor to see your performance from your perspective.
    • Your insight into your performance and upcoming goals can be valuable to your supervisor when rating your performance and developing your performance plan for the upcoming cycle. Be thoughtful in your responses.
    • Review their performance plan and any notes and feedback from off-cycle reviews or feedback sessions.
    • Gather examples of work products and successes.
    • Review past comments from peers, supervisors, and other stakeholders.
    • Identify obstacles and areas of improvement from the previous year.
    • Think about personal and professional goals for the upcoming year.
SHRA Performance Appraisal PolicyEHRA Performance Appraisal Policy
Institutional Goals DocumentEHRA Institutional Goals
Individual Goals: Rating ScaleEHRA Goals & Objectives Plan: Google Form (optional)
Summary of Key Policy ElementsEHRA Employee Self-Appraisal: Structured form (Google Form)
NinerTalent Employee Guide

Video Tutorials