General News
Register for the Creative Conflict Resolution Webinar for Charlotte Employees
Creative Conflict Resolution, which is part of the virtual 2024 Webinar Series for Charlotte Employees, is scheduled for noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, July 10. Creative Conflict Resolution is designed to help participants develop a positive approach to conflict resolution by gaining an understanding of how conflict affects individuals and teams in the workplace. Participants […]
FY 2024-25 Legislative Pay Increases
Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to share that we have received guidance from the UNC System to implement the approved FY 2024-25 legislative pay increase, and we are moving to process the increases as quickly as possible. As a reminder, this pay increase is the second of those passed in the last biennial budget. We […]
Upcoming HR Power Hour Webinars
Human resources is hosting two upcoming Power Hour webinars. The focus of the first webinar scheduled for noon, Wednesday, June 19, is to review the procedures associated with hiring SHRA staff members. The second webinar, scheduled for noon on Wednesday, July 19, will review the procedures associated with hiring EHRA non-faculty staff members. During both […]
NinerWorks Update
Beginning Monday, June 17, 2024, UPIP and Student Stipend assignment request types will move to NinerWorks, a custom software solution that will replace the current Banner ePAF system. Assignment types available in NinerWorks include: Access this FAQ to get started: How do I login to NinerWorks? Help and Support NinerWorks training has been updated to […]
Register for the Establishing a Growth Mindset Webinar for Charlotte Employees
Establishing a Growth Mindset, part of the virtual 2024 Webinar Series for Charlotte Employees, is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, from noon to 1 p.m. Establishing a Growth Mindset is designed to help participants reshape the way they see the world by formulating better daily habits, building resilience, increasing their confidence and owning their own […]
HR Power Hour Webinar
Human resources is hosting a HR Power Hour webinar from noon to 1 p.m., Monday, April 29, and Tuesday, May 7, to provide insight into the new SHRA salary ranges. Participants will have a chance to ask questions about how the new ranges will be implemented across campus. The session, part of a new bi-monthly webinar series sponsored by Human […]
Inaugural HUB Expo Set for April 23
UNC Charlotte’s inaugural Historically Underutilized Business Expo will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, in the quad area across from the Popp Martin Student Union at 8838 Craver Rd. More than 80 local women- and minority-owned businesses have registered to be a part of the HUB Expo. Industries that will be represented […]
EHRA Staff Appraisal Now Open
As part of our ongoing commitment to performance management, the EHRA Staff Appraisal program is now open in NinerTalent for Supervisors to complete your employee(s) appraisal/evaluation! Important Reminders Process Steps Employee Self-Appraisal Option Getting Started with Your Appraisal Rating Considerations Completion and PDF Saving Edits and Reopening Learning and Development Portal STAKES Resources Thank you for your […]
Register for the Be An Effective (and Awesome) Team Member Webinar for Charlotte Employees
Be an Effective (and Awesome) Team Member, part of the virtual 2024 Webinar Series for Charlotte Employees, is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10, from 12 to 1 p.m. Be an Effective (and Awesome) Team Member is designed to highlight the key characteristics of exemplary team members and by making subtle changes, participants can adopt these […]
Employee Self-Appraisal – Opens March 1
Complete Your Self-Appraisal SHRA employees are encouraged to log into their UNC Charlotte Employee Portal (aka NinerTalent) and get started on their Self-Appraisal, which opens today, March. The appraisal is due on March 31. Purpose The Employee Self-Appraisal gives SHRA employees the opportunity to reflect on their performance strengths, weaknesses, goals and training needs or desires. It also allows their supervisors to […]