Flexible Work Renewal Requirements

Categories: General News

We are now coming to the end of the first full year of implementing the University’s Flexible Work and Telework Arrangements for SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty Employees.

Existing telework/remote agreements must be reviewed at the beginning of each academic year by the manager/supervisor by Sept. 1. Employees will complete and sign a shortened version of the telework/remote work renewal agreement to streamline the renewal process and forward it to their current manager for approval.

The renewal requirement will only apply to employees who have remote/telework agreements on file in HR that expire on or before Aug. 31, 2023. These employees will receive an email notification from Human Resources with a link to the renewal form. The start date for the renewal agreement will be Sept. 1, 2023. The renewal form will remain effective for up to 12 months (between Sept. 1-Aug. 31 annually).

Employees should only use the renewal form if there are no changes required to the existing telework/remote work arrangement. If there are any changes to the Teleworking/Remote Work Agreement, including changes to the employee’s Teleworking or Remote Work location, department or number of days, a new Telework/Remote Work Agreement/Request Form must be submitted.

As a reminder, employees currently working a remote/telework arrangement are required to have a formal written Telework/Remote Work Agreement on file in HR if the arrangement lasts longer than 30 days. When completing the Telework/Remote Work Agreement Form, the end date will always be Aug. 31 of the following year. The Telework/Remote Work Agreement Form can be found in University Policy 101.22, Flexible Work Arrangements for SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty Employees, at legal.charlotte.edu/policies/up-101.22. More information can also be found on the Human Resources website.