Enhancements to NinerTalent EHRA Performance Management
We are delighted to announce three useful updates to NinerTalent STAKES EHRA Non-Faculty performance program for both the 2024-25 and the 2025-26 review cycles.
The 2024-25 EHRA Non-Faculty staff performance appraisal will include the self-appraisal as the first step in the performance appraisal process and a three-point rating scale.
The 2025-26 EHRA Non-Faculty staff performance appraisal will include the self-appraisal, three-point rating scale, and the Goals and Objective Plan.
See the flowchart below for reference and due dates for the new process steps.
NEW: 2024-25 EHRA Non-Faculty NinerTalent Stakes Process Steps
Self-Appraisal and three- point rating scale available in the 2024-2025 EHRA Non-Faculty Performance Program

NEW: 2025-26 EHRA Non-Faculty NinerTalent Stakes Process Steps
Goals and Objectives Plan available in the 2025-2026 EHRA Non-Faculty Performance Program

Who is Affected?
EHRA non-faculty members are affected by the implementation of the three-point rating scale, self-appraisal and the goals and objectives plan in the performance management system.
When is the change effective?
The additions to the NinerTalent STAKES appraisal programs will be implemented on March 1, 2025 for the 2024-2025 cycle and April 1, 2025 for the 2025-2026 cycle.
Why the Change?
Three-point Rating Scale:
This change is being made to simplify our performance evaluation process and to better align with the EHRA policy, which translates performance into three categories: Not Meeting Expectations, Meeting Expectations, and Exceeding Expectations. Our former 7-point scale was an extension of these categories, and we believe that moving to a 3-point scale will provide clearer and more consistent evaluations.
Self Appraisal:
This change permits the Self-Appraisals to be housed in a central and convenient location. This update to the system process is an efficient way for supervisors to review EHRA Non-Faculty staff’s thoughts and feedback regarding their performance during the cycle before the supervisor completes the Appraisal. The google form will still be available on the NT-SAKES Performance Management site.
Goals and Objectives Plan:
This change allows the Goals and Objective plan to be housed as its own entity in a central and convenient location. This update to the system process is an efficient way for supervisors to review EHRA Non-Faculty staff’s goals, objectives, thoughts and feedback regarding their performance during the cycle before the supervisor completes the appraisal. The Google form will still be available on the NT-SAKES Performance Management webpage, however it is expected for staff to move forward with the Goals and Objective plan in NinerTalent.
Support and Resources
We are committed to supporting you through this transition. Here are some resources to support you through the process:
- HR Power Hour: Please register for the Jan. 8 session to learn more information.
- Training Sessions: Open swims will be conducted via training sessions to explain the new process steps in NinerTalent. Check the calendar events on the LOD site.
- Resources: Additional resources and guides will be available on the NT-STAKES Performance Management website in the new year.
- Support Contacts: If you have any questions or need assistance, please email NT-STAKES@charlotte.edu and an HR administrator will assist you.
We believe this update will enhance our performance evaluation process and provide a more straightforward and effective way for employees to highlight their performance and supervisors to recognize and support talent.