Employee Engagement Survey

Your Opinion Matters
A regularly scheduled survey from the UNC System on workplace satisfaction
UNC Charlotte participates in the UNC System Employee Engagement Survey, a regularly scheduled survey on workplace satisfaction that began in 2018 and is being repeated every two years at all UNC System institutions as part of the UNC System Strategic Plan. The System has contracted with ModernThink, an independent research and consulting firm that specializes in higher education climate assessment, to administer the survey.
This 2022 survey launched on March 28 and was sent to all permanent, full-time (75% or more) faculty and staff employed as of January 2022.
Participation is voluntary, but this is a great opportunity for faculty and staff voices to be heard.
What’s different for 2022?
Due to the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UNC System Office has chosen to create a shorter survey for 2022 that will focus on three specific areas:
- A set of baseline trend data from past surveys
- Diversity and inclusion statements
- Statements specific to institutional actions taken due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why is UNC Charlotte participating?
Understanding employee engagement. The UNC System wants to measure workplace engagement. Studies have shown that the more engaged an employee is at their workplace, the more satisfied the employee is and the more productive the work unit is.
Data matters. Prior to administering this survey, the UNC System had limited useful system-wide information about how faculty and staff feel about their workplace. The engagement survey collects data from both faculty and staff and will help identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement.
Honest feedback counts. The survey results allow UNC Charlotte and system leaders to recognize successes and understand concerns that influence workplace culture. Among the topics explored are collaboration, communication, supervision, workplace culture, diversity and benefits. The survey results will also assist the UNC System in advocating for improvements to human resources policies at the statewide level that are generally beyond the University’s institutional control.
2020 Results
Results of the 2020 survey were shared with campus leadership, and topline information can be found on the UNC System website.
2018 Results
Results of the 2018 survey were shared in a presentation to the campus community on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018. ModernThink led the presentation. You can download a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation.
Survey participation is voluntary, and answers are completely confidential. Only ModernThink has access to individual responses. Read more from ModernThink.
UNC System Engagement Survey Website
For questions about UNC Charlotte’s survey participation contact hrtraining@charlotte.edu.