Leadership Development

Even if you don’t have direct reports, you can still be a leader. We are proud to offer a variety of options to meet your leadership development needs. Visit our Learning and Development Portal to see a complete listing of workshops for all Faculty and Staff, and sessions designed specifically for Supervisors and Managers. Our leadership certificate programs are described below.


LEAD is an umbrella of leadership training opportunities offered at Charlotte. These include required and voluntary courses and are structured to provide both information and peer interaction to the campus. Learn more about our Manager’s Toolkit and Certificate Cohorts.

Center for Creative Leadership: Leadership Development Program®

The Human Resources Department provides three scholarships annually for qualified individuals to attend the highly regarded Leadership Development Program offered through the internationally respected Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, NC.

The Leadership Development Program (LDP)® is designed for Leaders of Managers
• Experienced managers who lead other managers and senior professionals.
• Operational, group or departmental managers.
• Leaders who work up, down and across the University.

By applying the lessons of LDP, leaders will be able to:

  1. Communicate direction, achieve alignment and build commitment to bridging the gap between senior management and the front line.
  2. Gain critical perspectives, create buy-in and manage politics through collaboration.
  3. Solve complicated problems and take wise action amidst complex, rapidly changing conditions.
  4. Build resiliency and leverage multiple life roles to effectively manage stress and become more effective.
  5. Demonstrate the competencies CCL research shows can turn management challenges into leadership opportunities:

• Self-awareness
• Learning agility
• Communication
• Influence
• The ability to think and act systemically
• Resilience

More about The Leadership Development Program® at CCL.