Learning and Organizational Development is proud to offer two different DiSC programs catered to different audiences at Charlotte. The DiSC assessment is a popular tool designed to measure and analyze behavioral styles in individuals. It categorizes behavior into four primary personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Participants in a DiSC session undergo an assessment to identify their dominant traits, providing valuable insights into their communication preferences, work styles, and interpersonal dynamics. Please see the details of each session below to determine which session meets your group’s needs.


DiSCovering DiSC for Faculty and Staff Teams


This session for teams of faculty and staff is a comprehensive initiative designed to enhance communication, collaboration and overall team effectiveness at Charlotte. The program aims to identify and leverage the four styles to improve team dynamics and productivity. Team members identify their DiSC Style through this session and become more self-aware. They can share with their coworkers how to best work alongside them to create a more cohesive and efficient team.


Faculty/Staff: Preferred group size 3-30 per session


3-4 hours: This session can be added to a strategic planning day, a team bonding event, or serve as a stand-alone session.

Assessments and Prerequisites

Yes: Any team member who does not have a DiSC Workplace profile will need to take the assessment. There are no prerequisite courses for this session.


$87 per assessment

Session Outline
  • Introduce DiSC
    • What DiSC is
    • How styles are selected
    • What the four styles are
    • How DiSC is used
    • Kahoot Review
  • Understanding Your Style
    • Go over profile individually
      • Learn about strengths
      • Learn about priorities
      • Learn about motivations
      • Learn about limitations
    • Share DiSC style with team and discuss
    • Share team team DiSC circle
  • Understanding other styles
    • Develop DiSC radar
    • Identify how and why others show up the way they do
  • Connecting with other styles
    • How to use DiSC to stretch to other styles
    • Team Circle Discussions
      • What insight can the team circle give to performance and interactions with other units?

DiSC for Leaders


DiSC for Leaders is a program that utilizes the DiSC assessment tool specifically tailored for individuals in leadership roles.This program empowers individuals in leadership roles to enhance their self-awareness, communication skills, and ability to lead diverse teams effectively. It provides practical tools for improving leadership effectiveness and creating a positive impact within an organizational context. This interactive session allows leaders to talk about how their own leadership style impacts their teams dn communication while thinking about how to stretch to accommodate all direct reports and their unique work styles. This dynamic session allows leaders to interact and learn from their fellow leaders and build a community of support.


Faculty/Staff in a leadership role: Preferred group size 3-30 per session


1.5-2 hours: This session can be added to a strategic planning day, a team bonding event or serve as a stand-alone session.

Assessments and Prerequisites

Yes: Participants in this session need to have taken the DiSC Workplace Profile Assessment and participated in DiSCovering DiSC with a Faculty/Staff Team.


No cost associated

Session Outline
  • Reintroduce DiSC
    • What DiSc is
    • How styles are selected
    • What the four styles are
    • How DiSC is used
  • Using DiSc to lead others
    • Strengths and limitations of styles in leadership
    • How to use styles to build trust and combat quiet quitting
  • Connecting with other leaders
    • Learn from other styles
    • Reflect on own style
  • Using DiSC to improve efficiency
    • How to coach employees using DiSC
    • How the groups of leaders circle looks and reflect on what that means for the organization