Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible Work Arrangements can benefit both the University and its employees by enhancing productivity while providing for workplace flexibility.
Updates to Policy 101.22
UNC Charlotte recognizes that flexible work arrangements can benefit both the University and our employees by enhancing productivity while providing for workplace flexibility. Though these arrangements are not feasible for all employees, we understand that in many circumstances they can promote employee recruitment, retention, morale, and quality of life; promote general work efficiencies; ensure business continuity; and improve environmental sustainability and space utilization.
To fulfill the University’s strategic objective to increase the value of UNC Charlotte as a great place to work and learn, UNC Charlotte revised its flexible work arrangement policy (University Policy 101.22) effective May 15, 2022, for staff to find balance between the critical mission of providing in-person academic and extracurricular opportunities for our students and supporting the evolving needs of our employees.
- The University will offer options of flexible schedules, telework and remote work for staff members whose job duties allow for this flexibility with appropriate approvals from supervisors and, where required, divisional vice chancellors.
- All agreements for teleworking or remote work that will be in place for longer than 30 days must be documented using the telework/remote work agreement form. The agreements must be reviewed annually. Arrangements of less than 30 days remain available for emergency situations.
- Online training is required for all employees and supervisors prior to the approval of a telework/remote work agreement.
New policy – effective May 15, 2022
Telework/Remote Work Agreement Form – Teleworking or Remote Work arrangements will be in effect during the time period indicated on the Teleworking/Remote Work request and must be reviewed at the beginning of each academic year (Sept. 1) by the approving supervisor.
Note: Telework/Remote Work Agreements will have an end date of on or before Aug. 31 to align with the academic year regardless of the start date.
Telework/Remote Work Agreement Renewal Form – Existing telework/remote agreements must be reviewed at the beginning of each academic year by the manager/supervisor by Sept. 1. Employees should only use the renewal form if there are no changes required to the existing telework/remote work arrangement. The renewal form will remain effective for up to 12 months (between Sept. 1 – Aug.31 annually). The end date will always be Aug. 31 or before regardless of the start date to align with the academic year.
If there are any changes to the existing Teleworking/Remote Work Agreement, including changes to the employee’s Teleworking or Remote Work location, department, or number of days, a new Telework/Remote Work Agreement Form must be submitted.
What | The Office of Human Resources in conjunction with the Office of Legal Affairs has finalized the updates to policy 101.22. The policy has been approved by the Chancellor. |
When | Implementation date is May 15, 2022 |
Details | Policy will define: – Flexible Schedule: An employee can work flexible hours – Telework: An employee with a hybrid approach, working on campus some days and from their telework location some days – Remote Work: An employee working 100% off campus Required Documentation: Any telework agreement that will be in place for longer than 30 days must be documented using the telework/remote work agreement form. – Completion: Telework/remote work agreement form must be processed through DocuSign. See the required fields in this example. Approvals: Divisional vice chancellors are the approving authority for most telework and remote work agreements, and Human Resources must review for compliance and reporting purposes. – Employees Outside Charlotte Area: Any arrangement which is out of state or beyond 100 miles from campus must be approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and reported to the tax office prior to beginning. There is a separate form to be completed for out of state arrangements. – Delegation of Authority: Divisional vice chancellors can only delegate the approval authority to an academic dean or their divisional business officer. An academic dean can only delegate approval authority to their college business officer. Training: Employees AND supervisors must take required training before any agreement will be finalized. Training will be linked in the form and listed in the FAQs and will be certified by the employee and supervisor on the agreement form. – Supervisor training – Employee training IT Security Requirements: All IT Security requirements must be followed: – Standard for Teleworking and Remote Work – Security of Endpoints – Security of Applications – Security of Systems – Standard for Encryption Controls Workplace Safety: Work-related injuries at the alternate location during agreed-upon working hours may be covered by Workers’ Compensation. Employees are required to report any work-related illness or injury to their manager immediately and are required to fill out an accident report as an internal record of the incident within 24 hours of the event or claim. Responsibilities: – Business Officers: Responsible for working with the Deans/Vice Chancellors to assist with training, managing, and implementing the process for flexible work arrangements for their units. – Divisional Vice Chancellors and Supervisors: Expected to be flexible in implementing telework arrangements, but need to keep the business need firmly in mind; and take equity into consideration when approving telework agreements. Depending on the nature of arrangements and time spent on campus, management may determine options for redirecting office space for other needs. |
Support | Contact Employee Relations at employee-relations@charlotte.edu or 704-687-0659. |